Welcome to our

Early Years Foundation Stage


'The EYFS is about how children learn, as well as what they learn. Children need opportunities to develop their own play and independent exploration. This is enjoyable and motivating.' - Development Matters 2021


Our Aims

We aim for all pupils to leave our EYFS as confident, self-motivated, resilient and creative individuals who are ready to embrace their learning journey at Acacias Community Primary School. We endeavor to provide all pupils with the skills, knowledge and self-confidence they need to become independent learners.

We do this by:

  • creating a safe, secure and warm learning environment where pupils' emotional wellbeing is put at the forefront of our daily practice.  
  • providing children with engaging learning experiences that take place both indoors and outdoors, which spark curiosity and develop critical thinking skills. 
  • encouraging children to become confident, independent learners who have a strong sense of identity.   
  • working in collaboration with parents to ensure all children are well supported and have the chance to be the best that they can be. 
  • ensuring that all children have equal access to all areas of the curriculum irrespective of gender, ethnic or social background, religion or disability. We believe that no child should get left behind. 




About our EYFS

At Acacias, we have two Nursery classes, Nursery Blue and Nursery Yellow. Each class has it's own key workers who work closely with the children in their care to ensure they are happy, settled and making good progress in our Nursery. Our two Nursery classes share one large, open plan classroom that is filled with exciting resources and provision areas. Our Nursery welcomes children aged 3-4 years old.

We have two Reception classrooms, for children aged 4-5 years, that are connected by an adjoining door. Each Reception class has a class teacher and a teaching assistant. 

Our wonderful, leafy outdoor area is shared by both the Nursery and Reception pupils.


The Early Years Curriculum is based on 7 areas of learning:

Communication and Language

Personal, Social and Emotional  Development

Physical Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Art and Design


Underpinning the Early Years Curriculum are the Characteristic of Effective Learning:

Playing and exploring (engagement)

Active learning (motivation)

Creating and thinking critically (thinking)


We have put together a long-term plan which outlines the activities and objectives that will be taught across Nursery and Reception to ensure our curriculum is progressive and challenging. 

Our half- termly topics are planned to provoke thought, inspire new interests and expose children to new knowledge and skills.  

Our planning is flexible and is adapted to meet the needs of the children.





The Importance of Play


Large portions of our timetables are dedicated to child-initiated play, where the children are free to explore our vast range of open-ended provision areas. Our learning environments, both indoors and out, are designed to stimulate learning, inspire creativity and provoke curiosity. During free play, our well-trained practitioners scaffold pupils' learning as well as nurture their individual interests and fascinations. 

"Play is the highest form of research" -  Albert Einstein




Adults in our EYFS unit are caring, approachable and empathetic to the needs of the children. Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of what we do, as we know that children who feel safe and are happy are much more ready to learn. We strive to ensure our learning environment is a space where pupils feel safe, happy and confident. 



Communication and Language



The development of children’s spoken language
underpins all seven areas of learning and
development.' - Development Matters (2021)



We are an communication friendly school, accredited by Elklan. 

Speech and language therapy isn’t a magic box of tricks. We know that many children with SLCN can be supported by those working and living with them all the time.

That’s where Elklan training makes a real difference. We are about changing the way people engage with children and young people so that they can achieve their fullest potential.



WellComm is a toolkit used in our EYFS Unit to assess and support children’s speech and language development.

It is built upon fun, child-friendly interventions that aim to accelerate development in early language.


The NELI programme is designed for Reception pupils and involves providing targeted small group and one-to-one support for children who would benefit from additional support with their 
language and early literacy skills.

Welcome to our

Early Years Foundation Stage


'The EYFS is about how children learn, as well as what they learn. Children need opportunities to develop their own play and independent exploration. This is enjoyable and motivating.' - Development Matters 2021


Our Aims

We aim for all pupils to leave our EYFS as confident, self-motivated, resilient and creative individuals who are ready to embrace their learning journey at Acacias Community Primary School. We endeavor to provide all pupils with the skills, knowledge and self-confidence they need to become independent learners.

We do this by:

  • creating a safe, secure and warm learning environment where pupils' emotional wellbeing is put at the forefront of our daily practice.  
  • providing children with engaging learning experiences that take place both indoors and outdoors, which spark curiosity and develop critical thinking skills. 
  • encouraging children to become confident, independent learners who have a strong sense of identity.   
  • working in collaboration with parents to ensure all children are well supported and have the chance to be the best that they can be. 
  • ensuring that all children have equal access to all areas of the curriculum irrespective of gender, ethnic or social background, religion or disability. We believe that no child should get left behind. 




About our EYFS

At Acacias, we have two Nursery classes, Nursery Blue and Nursery Yellow. Each class has it's own key workers who work closely with the children in their care to ensure they are happy, settled and making good progress in our Nursery. Our two Nursery classes share one large, open plan classroom that is filled with exciting resources and provision areas. Our Nursery welcomes children aged 3-4 years old.

We have two Reception classrooms, for children aged 4-5 years, that are connected by an adjoining door. Each Reception class has a class teacher and a teaching assistant. 

Our wonderful, leafy outdoor area is shared by both the Nursery and Reception pupils.


The Early Years Curriculum is based on 7 areas of learning:

Communication and Language

Personal, Social and Emotional  Development

Physical Development



Understanding the World

Expressive Art and Design


Underpinning the Early Years Curriculum are the Characteristic of Effective Learning:

Playing and exploring (engagement)

Active learning (motivation)

Creating and thinking critically (thinking)


We have put together a long-term plan which outlines the activities and objectives that will be taught across Nursery and Reception to ensure our curriculum is progressive and challenging. 

Our half- termly topics are planned to provoke thought, inspire new interests and expose children to new knowledge and skills.  

Our planning is flexible and is adapted to meet the needs of the children.





The Importance of Play


Large portions of our timetables are dedicated to child-initiated play, where the children are free to explore our vast range of open-ended provision areas. Our learning environments, both indoors and out, are designed to stimulate learning, inspire creativity and provoke curiosity. During free play, our well-trained practitioners scaffold pupils' learning as well as nurture their individual interests and fascinations. 

"Play is the highest form of research" -  Albert Einstein




Adults in our EYFS unit are caring, approachable and empathetic to the needs of the children. Pupil wellbeing is at the heart of what we do, as we know that children who feel safe and are happy are much more ready to learn. We strive to ensure our learning environment is a space where pupils feel safe, happy and confident. 



Communication and Language



The development of children’s spoken language
underpins all seven areas of learning and
development.' - Development Matters (2021)



We are an communication friendly school, accredited by Elklan. 

Speech and language therapy isn’t a magic box of tricks. We know that many children with SLCN can be supported by those working and living with them all the time.

That’s where Elklan training makes a real difference. We are about changing the way people engage with children and young people so that they can achieve their fullest potential.



WellComm is a toolkit used in our EYFS Unit to assess and support children’s speech and language development.

It is built upon fun, child-friendly interventions that aim to accelerate development in early language.


The NELI programme is designed for Reception pupils and involves providing targeted small group and one-to-one support for children who would benefit from additional support with their 
language and early literacy skills.