
Chapel Street Park - just 1 mile from our school!

Won the £5000 grant! Many thanks to those who voted and shared the link. Check out if you want to get involved or follows the parks progress. 



Autumn is here! 

Step outside and explore the great outdoors this Autumn. Can you create your very own Autumn land art? Don't forget to wrap up warm and be prepared to get muddy (thats all part of the fun) 

Miss Barker 

Hi everyone, welcome back! Here is the first of three Eco Challenges for this year. This one has a bit of a maths theme. We'll have to use the Eco Garden differently this year, but here is a way you can get involved - by working out this challenge!




What has been your favorite random act of wildness so far? I think mine was checking the webcam. Have you tried it yet? Here is a link:

You can see lots of animals live and up close on these webcams. Watching the Osprery at Foulshaw Moss bring food back to the nest and feed their chicks is a very special sight. They are spending lots of time in their nest at the moment so it is a good time to see them. Also look out for the badgers and their cubs. They are nocturnal so checking the webcam just before and just after sunset is your best chance of seeing them.

Have fun! 

Best wishes from Miss Meade.



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Did you know that these adorable, garden helping mammals are endangered?

The good news is there are ways that you can help them.


Even simple things like making a log pile can provide a good habitat for hedgehogs and means that there will be plenty of bugs for them to eat! A small hole in your garden fence at ground level will also mean that they can get in and out easily without being cut off from other things that they need.


Click here for some a handy checklist on how you can help:


For other tips on how to make your garden or driveway more Eco friendly check out this website:

During the Easter Holiday you might like to check out these two science investigations.

See below for details. 


The Second investigation is about grouping and classifying trees. Can you work out what kind of trees are around your home? Try looking out of each window - how many different types of tree can you see? 

You can use these ID guides to help you. 


The Eco garden has had a spring clean. Watch this space to see how our garden grows! 


Some of this years Eco team! We have updated our notice board with our action plan. In order to work with the We have made Transport and Marine life our focus topics for this year. 


Gardening Club success in Sunflower Competition

The Acacias gardening club, together with the Treehouse children, reaped the success of their hard work by winning the St. Margaret's sunflower competition! (Closing date for entry 8.9.19)

At a whopping 230 cm / 2.3 metres high, their winning sunflower soared to success!  The prize was a B&Q voucher which will be put to good use.  They also grew super crops of tomatoes, strawberries and courgettes.

Well done team!

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Thanks to all who came along to the litter pick on Saturday the 15th of June. We collecting seven bags of rubbish from the area around the school. Great work everybody!  


Another successful tree planting session on Tuesday. Thanks to the parents and children who helped water the new apple trees. The Orchard opening will be held on Wednesday 15th of May at 3:45 Come along and check out the new trees! 


Even the driving rain didn't stop these three amazing eco-mums from starting off our school orchard this evening! There are more trees to go in after the Easter holiday, so in the years to come we will have our very own crop of apples and plums. Contact Miss Meade if you would like to get involved. 


Eco team posting straws to Tetra Pak. They make the milk cartons for the school milk and are planning to change paper straws or straw free milk in order to reduce waste! Hopefully this change will happen soon. We will also reuse the straws in an eco art project as they cannot currently be recycled. Watch this space for more updates on this project! 



Our eco and outdoor learning coordinators are Miss Meade and Miss Barker. Please click here to view our eco policy.


After a vote at the Rights Respecting parent learning event and consultation with classes we have decided to make Acacias a glitter free zone. This is due to the harm glitter can cause when it enters water ways. You might see some classes using up the glitter they already have, but the classes pictured above are committing to not ordering any more. Well done everyone! 

(Article 29)


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Meet The New Eco Council 2018-19



You can help!

If you have any ideas about how we can improve our school and how it cares for the environment, please speak to Miss Meade, Miss Barker or the Eco Council. Thank you! You can also put any suggestions you have into our Eco suggestion box located on the windowsill by the door to the KS1 and KS2 playground.